lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Journal 1

So today I started to look what google consisted about. I also found a web page that says, step by steps. hoe to make a google sites.

Next class, I will try to dwonload a software and try to look if there's any details about google sites that it can be relevant for my project.

Journal entries #3

Today in tech class. I downloaded a software in order to record my screen. The software is called CamStudio. But I wasn't able to open it. It seemed to have a problem with a program called MFCdll.100. So I started to look out on the internet, how to fix mfcdll.100. And I found a program where it fix every program that is missing or crashed. So I downloaded it and I fixed Dll.100.

So after that incident, I started to make a video. The video starts with a page that is to log in in a google count. Then I show a section where it says sites, then I show them where to click in order to make a google sites. After that, I showed how to put the title, the site title, the wallpaper, and the site categories. My tech teacher watched it and he liked it, the only suggestion was to add voices and that's it. And this is what I will try to do.



viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Journal number 2

So today, I started to download softwares where I can recor all my screenshot and make it into a video. also I have been work with my product, how to make it more stylish, how to add images, Etc.
I use most of the time of tech class, I used a PC and a laptop, I really succeed with my list of task for now:


This is a picture where I was trying to download the software.

This is when I was writing a name for my google sites

And this is the style option for my google site